Hoodie for men
See those chubby cumulus clouds? Their vaporous texture seems so incredibly soft… You wish you could touch it, but when you get to the cloudbase, you can never quite grasp it… Well, we’ve managed to capture that fluffy softness and turn it into a sweatshirt.
For real.
Additional information
Composition: 80% cotton, 20% polyester
Weight: 530 g
Chillaz answer:
Unfortunately, sustainability is a word that is used far too often and inaccurately. For us, it goes without saying that we treat people and the environment fairly. What we do is what we call “common sense business”.
Our materials are carefully selected, from the fiber to the dye used. We focus in particular on natural and ecologically efficient fibers such as Lyocell (TENCEL™) or Modal (TENCEL™) from Austria. Modern production facilities enable us to further reduce water consumption and the use of chemicals.
In addition, short distances are very important to us. A large proportion of the materials used come from Turkey itself or from Europe. This protects both the environment and our nerves. As we take care of production in Turkey ourselves, we are also very flexible. Our seamstresses, launderers, printers and dyers etc. are quickly on site. Of course, we can’t look over everyone’s shoulder, but we choose our suppliers and producers very carefully.