
Glider construction


Reinforced robust construction, strongest materials, ultra strong and durable. Perfect for intensive training and professional use.

Example of material mix:

  • Dominico Dokdo 30D top surface
  • Dominico Dokdo 20D bottom surface
  • Full Sheathed lines, Liros DSL, PPSL


Semi-light construction, mix of most robust materials where needed, lighter when not impacting overall strength and durability, for every pilot everyday use, everywhere.

Example of material mix:

  • Dominico Dokdo 20D top surface
  • Skytex 27 Classic II double coated bottom surface
  • Sheathed lines Liros DSL / PPSL or unsheathed lines Edelrid 8000U


Superlight construction, but no compromise on material quality and overall durability, only the lightest, but the very best. For light gear junkies but also for everyday use.

Example of material mix:

  • Skytex 27 Classic II double coated top surface
  • Skytex 27 Classic II double coated bottom surface
  • Unsheathed lines Edelrid 8000U

Canopy detail


As Stephan is quite into bicycle riding, he also studied the profile concepts from aerodynamics design in cycling. The Kammtail profile concept is actually a cut off profile at the back. More specifically, looking at single surface gliders, there is always somehow a chaotic stream at the lower surface. The Kammtail profile creates a kind of dead air volume behind, which actually helps to control this chaotic stream at the lower surface of the wing. Furthermore, it reduces weight and does not affect the performance.


Winglet profile shape at tips, similar to modern airplanes. On a paraglider, such winglets are enlarging the projected aspect ratio, this improves performance by reducing drag and also enhances directional stability.
Top surface winglets improve the glider’s roll stability, making it easier and smoother to handle, specially on deep spiral manoeuvres.


Vortex holes help reducing the drag at wingtips, and increase performance. Besides, they allow a continuous removal of dust and particles otherwise trapped inside the canopy. Also helping to deflate the wing when packing it.

Shark-nose type leading edge. Here the leading edge is formed by a unique S-shaped constrained rod, for optimized performance. The leading edge is aggressive, but remains light for easy take off and rigidity is optimized for a better glider feel.
To improve glider packing, reduce glider weight while optimizing sail tensions, Nitinol rods are used in the leading edge. Nitinol has shape memory and super elastic nickel titanium alloy allowing strong deformations without being bent or damaged.
La compatibilité du lecteur d’écran est activée.
The clear and stiffer transparent rods are used mostly on performance wings – giving maximum stiffness for profile consistency. It requires a proper packing of the wing to durably ensure its form.
These “orange” rods are more flexible than the transparent nylon rods. Improving the flying characteristics and less sensitive to bending and deforming. Nevertheless we still recommend to pack the wing properly specially for storage.
All panels designed and cut according to state-of-the-art 3D technologies to improve profile consistency and control ballooning deforming, reduce wrinkles on 3D-formed shapes with soft materials. Cleaner surface is more performance.

A clean trailing edge is key for reducing drag, improving performance. One way to do this is to reduce deformations, by adding short ribs for a more stable surface finish.
Last but not the least, the seams are internal: for an even cleaner trailing edge!

A specific way to control the ballooning at the trailing edge. The thinner the trailing edge, the smoother the airflow, the lower the drag. That’s the aim of the razor edge, to channel out the airflow in the most efficient way.

Making Superlight lasting even longer

On intensive ground use, friction of the fabric is never good. And “edges” may become a weak point. Simple and easy, for a couple of tens of grams more only, the light fabric along the leading edge rods is protected by a high abrasion resistant cloth.

You can ground handle even longer. But remember to always take good care of your equipment.


Sheathed lines offer a strong protection against handling on the ground, sharp edges and abrasion in general. They are preferred for training, intensive or professional use. Linesets are designed and dimensioned to last as long as your glider with proper handling.
Unsheathed lines have often been seen as more difficult to manage on a take-off. This is why AirDesign has chosen the Edelrid 8001 aramid grades for all performance and mountain gliders. Their unique hydrophobic surface coating and their colors make them as easy as sheathed lines for preparing your glider, in addition to provide real high resistance and durability, and low drag thanks to lower diameters.

Before the Volt 4, 2-line glider technologies had only been used in very advanced or competition gliders. AirDesign was the first to bring the benefits of the 2-liner to another level of pilots. 2-line gliders provide a far more stable leading edge allowing to use the bar even more.

On a 2 line glider, to make it simple, only 2 risers and line attachment points along the chord are supporting the pilot. Usually, glider’s tension is also improved by rods running along the chord. AirDesign uses Nitinol for easy and compact folding.

Angle of attack is easily and efficiently controlled through the B (rear) risers. Adding another dimension to glider handling. And boosting up your performance level.


Connection between riser and lines are made with specifically redesigned soft-links, with auto self-locking system (prevents from unintentional opening).

In order to reduce the risk of line twists, the brake lines are equipped with precision-machined swivel connectors (not to be mounted together with low-friction rings without specific protection).


Clean, clear, efficient and light risers are equipping our gliders. With their racy look, they remain easy to handle, and improve aerodynamics.


Taurus Dyneema rope is used for clean, easy to read and use, and dimensionally stable Superlight risers. Saves around 200g compared to Race Aramid risers.

AirDesign gliders are designed to be reactive to “Break-Shifting”. Pull the brakes more inward, you’ll turn tighter, pull outward, you’ll turn more flat. The pulley connector is specially dimensioned to allow the best Brake Shifting efficiency.

3-liners can also be controlled with rear risers. However, pulling only the Cs will destroy the profile, (make it even more concave), and ultimately could bring the leading edge incidence closer to collapse. By pulling straight down with the green strap forming our B/C systems, you’ll play only on the full glider’s incidence, reduce the drag while maintaining a clean profile.